Rākautaonga Whenua Tōpū Trust
The Rākautaonga Whenua Tōpū Trust is part of the economic prosperity arm of ngā whānau and ngā hapū of the Ngāti Hauiti people. It was legally incorporated as a Whenua Tōpū Trust under the Te Ture Whenua Māori Land Act in 2001 although some activities had been carried out for approximately four years under the umbrella of Te Maru o Ruahine Trust.
The purpose for establishing Rākautaonga was to focus on land based economic activities and to provide security of tribal assets.
Evidence shows that the Iwi of Ngāti Hauiti was once a prosperous iwi, controlling both tangible and intangible wealth. Ngāti Hauiti controlled an extensive iwi rohe extending from the hinterlands of the Ruahine Range, west to the alluvial terraces of Rangitīkei. This was a rohe filled with an abundance of bird life and fresh water fisheries and fertile lands for cultivations.
Through the processes of colonisation, the economic prosperity of Ngāti Hauiti is virtually non-existent particularly in terms of land based resources. This significantly impacts on the social and cultural wellbeing of Ngāti Hauiti.
Rākautaonga literally means the “treasured trees” and was given by Tamatea Pōkai Whenua to name an area that was rich in valuable timber. It refers to the economic wealth and prosperity of Ngāti Hauiti. The Trust has the task to ensure that the economic needs of Ngāti Hauiti districts are advanced particularly in relation to employment, training and wealth generation.
The purpose of the Trust will be achieved by leasing land and undertaking farming based operations that will assist the beneficiaries; that is the Ngāti Hauiti people. The overall goal for the next five years is to develop Rākautaonga from a fledgling organisation to a fully functional profit-making organisation that upholds and reflects the values and aspirations of Ngāti Hauiti.
In particular Rākautaonga will undertake such activities that will:
- Increase the size and value of the tribal land base
- Generate funds to sustain development and support tribal, cultural and social initiatives
Trustee (Chairman)
Grant Huwyler
Peter Fraser
Trustee (Secretary)
Susan Kavanagh
Thomas Curtis
Pita Richardson
Nicola Chase
Lanice McMillan
General Manager
Robert Martin
Wanda Horton