Te Maru o Ruahine Trust
Te Maru o Ruahine Trust was established to carry out the following purposes and objectives.
- To ensure that the welfare and cultural needs of the Ngāti Hauiti people, particularly those resident in the Whanganui, Rangitīkei and Manawatū districts are addressed in relation to, education, employment, housing, health, training, justice, welfare, religion and culture.
- The purpose of the Trust will be achieved by undertaking charitable activities which involve the relief of poverty, the advancement of education or any other charitable objects beneficial to the Ngāti Hauiti people. In particular, the Trust will undertake such activities that will:
- Support and strengthen the whānau, hapū and iwi.
- Improve the position of low income, unemployment and economically disadvantaged whānau.
- Assist with the special needs of alienated groups including youth, disabled, single parents and the elderly.
- Enhance the quality of life of the whānau.
- Assist Māori and non-Māori resident within the Ngāti Hauiti rohe.
- To do anything else within New Zealand that will advance the aim and any of these objectives.